Working with surface data#

Surface objects often come with custom data types and objects. In this tutorial will will predominantly use vedo, which offers the Mesh class for this.

Before running this notebook, please additionally install the following packages:

  • pygeodesic package with pip install pygeodesic

  • napari-process-points-and-surfaces with pip install napari_process_points_and_surfaces

import vedo
import napari
import numpy as np
from pygeodesic import geodesic
import napari_process_points_and_surfaces as nppas
Validation errors in config file(s).
The following fields have been reset to the default value:

  value is not a valid tuple (type=type_error.tuple)
mesh = vedo.Mesh(vedo.dataurl + "bunny.obj")

In this case, the point coordinates are all <1 - we scale the points up a bit so that things are a bit easier to handle down the road

mesh = vedo.mesh.Mesh((mesh.points() * 10, mesh.faces()))

In order to display this data in napari, we need to change the format so that napari understands it. According to the napari surface layer documentation, a surface layer consists of a tuple of three elements (points, faces, values), whereas the values entry is optional. We can retrieve these from the vedo object as follows:

points = mesh.points()
faces = np.asarray(mesh.faces())
array([[-0.0341018 ,  1.30319571,  0.21754369],
       [-0.8171916 ,  1.52501452,  0.29656088],
       [-0.30543479,  1.24778855,  0.0109834 ],
       [-0.13895491,  1.6787169 , -0.2189723 ],
       [-0.69413   ,  1.51218474, -0.4453854 ],
       [-0.55039799,  0.57309699,  0.169909  ]])


Have a look at the faces object. What do the values refer to?

viewer = napari.Viewer(ndisplay=3)
bunny = (mesh.points(), np.asarray(mesh.faces()).astype(int))

Assigning values to meshes#

To demonstrate how assigning values to meshes works, we could simply add each points’ x_coordinate as a value to the mesh:

bunny_with_values = (points, faces, points[:, 1])
viewer.add_surface(bunny_with_values, colormap='magma')
<Surface layer 'bunny_with_values' at 0x21221ed6a90>

Measuring features#

We can use vedo to measure features of the object in a simple fashion:

print('Surface area:', mesh.area())
print('Volume:', mesh.volume())
Surface area: 5.646863245482599
Volume: 0.7620278501410354
print('Number of points:', mesh.N())
Number of points: 2503
ellipsoid = vedo.pcaEllipsoid(mesh)
print('Asphericity:', ellipsoid.asphericity())
Asphericity: 0.17055947344260192
print('Ellipsoid major axis 1:', ellipsoid.axis1)
print('Ellipsoid major axis 2:', ellipsoid.axis2)
print('Ellipsoid major axis 3:', ellipsoid.axis3)
Ellipsoid major axis 1: [-0.65257005  0.74304836 -0.14842997]
Ellipsoid major axis 2: [-0.73223167 -0.56800683  0.37577257]
Ellipsoid major axis 3: [0.19490796 0.35390306 0.91474779]
curvature, fit_residue =  nppas.add_spherefitted_curvature(bunny)
viewer.add_surface(curvature[0], **curvature[1])
<Surface layer 'curvature' at 0x21228801a00>

Geodesic distances#

Geodesic distances in the context of mesh objects are the shortest distance between two points A and B on the surface. This is equivalent to typical way-finding problems that occur in many contexts, such as automobile navigation: Similar to the edges and vertices on a surface, streets and crossings represent a graph through which the fastest route needs to be found. A typical algorithm used for such problems is the Djikstra algorithm.

geoalg = geodesic.PyGeodesicAlgorithmExact(mesh.points(), mesh.faces())

We can calculate distances between any two points (as gien by their indeces):

distance, path = geoalg.geodesicDistance(639, 834)
print('Measured distance:', distance)
Measured distance: 2.258314916388162

The path variable contains points along the way:

viewer.add_points(path, size=0.01, face_color='red')
<Points layer 'path' at 0x2121d513d60>

For better visualization, we can also convert this to a vectors object by subtracting the points from each other - this gives us thhe vectors (A,B), (B,C), (C,D), etc.

vectors = []
for i in range(len(path)-1):
    vectors.append(path[i+1] - path[i])

vectors = np.asarray(vectors)
napari_vectors_geodesics = np.stack([path[:-1], vectors]).transpose((1,0,2))
viewer.add_vectors(napari_vectors_geodesics, edge_width=0.01, edge_color='blue')
<Vectors layer 'napari_vectors_geodesics' at 0x2121cb9df70>

Exercise 1:#

Use the pygeodesics package and plot the distance of each point on the surface to a point on the surface of your choice.

Hint: You can take two (legit) approaches to this problem:

  • Write a for-loop over each point on the surface and calculate its distance to a point of your choice

  • Use the geoalg.geodesicDistances() function for this

Exercise 2:#

Use napari_process_points_and_surfaces to measure some more features on the bunny object and visualize them in napari. You can either do this from code (napari_process_points_and_surfaces.add_quality()) or interactively from the napari viewer (Tools > Measurement > Surface quality (vedo))