Build a mesh#
from vedo import *
settings.default_backend = "vtk" # or k3d, ipyvtk, or 2d
This code demonstrates how to create and display a 3D Mesh object.
The Mesh object is created from a list of vertices and a list of faces.
The backface color is set to violet, and vertex labels are generated for each vertex.
The mesh object’s vertices and faces are printed to the console, and the mesh is displayed in a 3D visualization window along with the vertex labels and coordinate axes.
# Define a list of vertices and a list of faces to represent a 3D mesh:
# The vertices are 3D points defined by their (x, y, z) coordinates
# The faces are defined by the indices of the vertices that form each triangle
# For example, the first triangle face is formed by vertex 0, 1, and 2
verts = [(50, 50, 50), (70, 40, 50), (50, 40, 80), (80, 70, 50)]
faces = [(0, 1, 2), (2, 1, 3), (1, 0, 3)]
# Create a polygonal Mesh object using the vertices and faces lists
mesh = Mesh([verts, faces])
# Set the backface color of the mesh to violet
# Assign numerical labels (vertex indices) to the vertices of the mesh
# These labels are displayed as text next to the vertices in the visualization
labels = mesh.labels2d("id")
# Print information about the mesh:
# points(): returns the list of vertices (points) of the mesh
# faces() : returns the list of faces (triangles) of the mesh
print("points():", mesh.points())
print("faces() :", mesh.faces())
points(): [[50. 50. 50.]
[70. 40. 50.]
[50. 40. 80.]
[80. 70. 50.]]
faces() : [[0, 1, 2], [2, 1, 3], [1, 0, 3]]
# Display the mesh and the vertex labels in a 3D visualization window
# axes=1 enables display of the cartesian axes
show(mesh, labels, axes=1).close()