Segmentation Workflow Example with 3D Data#

This notebook applies a custom segmentation workflow to a 3D nuclei image and measure their properties.

from import imread
import napari_segment_blobs_and_things_with_membranes as nsbatwm
from napari_skimage_regionprops._regionprops import regionprops_table
import pandas as pd
import napari
viewer = napari.Viewer()
WARNING: DirectWrite: CreateFontFaceFromHDC() failed (Indicates an error in an input file such as a font file.) for QFontDef(Family="8514oem", pointsize=12, pixelsize=20, styleHint=5, weight=50, stretch=100, hintingPreference=0) LOGFONT("8514oem", lfWidth=0, lfHeight=-20) dpi=240
C:\Miniconda\envs\devbio-napari-env\lib\site-packages\napari_tools_menu\ FutureWarning: Public access to Window.qt_viewer is deprecated and will be removed in
v0.5.0. It is considered an "implementation detail" of the napari
application, not part of the napari viewer model. If your use case
requires access to qt_viewer, please open an issue to discuss.
  self.tools_menu = ToolsMenu(self, self.qt_viewer.viewer)

Open image and add it to napari#

image0_n = imread("../../data/3D/nuclei.tif")
viewer.add_image(image0_n, name="nuclei3d")
<Image layer 'nuclei3d' at 0x153f7b1a340>

Apply voronoi otsu labeling from ‘nsbatwm’#

image1_V = nsbatwm.voronoi_otsu_labeling(image0_n, 9.0, 3.0)
viewer.add_labels(image1_V, name='Result of Voronoi-Otsu-labeling (nsbatwm)')

Apply remove labels on edges from ‘nsbatwm’#

image2_R = nsbatwm.remove_labels_on_edges(image1_V)
    image2_R, name='Result of Remove labeled objects at the image border (scikit-image, nsbatwm)')

Measure properties from ‘scikit-image’#

To measure some object properties, here we use regionprops_table function from napari_skimage_regionprops, a convenient package based on scikit-image.regionprops that integrates to napari. Another well-suited option for 3D data would be to use SimpleITK by means of the function label_statistics.

The output properties can be displayed in a table format by using the pandas DataFrame class.

df = pd.DataFrame(regionprops_table(image0_n, image2_R, shape = True))
label area bbox_area convex_area equivalent_diameter max_intensity mean_intensity min_intensity solidity extent feret_diameter_max local_centroid-0 local_centroid-1 local_centroid-2 standard_deviation_intensity minor_axis_length intermediate_axis_length major_axis_length
0 2 54018 95160 56545 46.900769 55624.0 14464.512237 2656.0 0.955310 0.567654 62.713635 13.364397 25.457755 29.293958 4805.435420 31.327969 52.933836 62.953106
1 5 33789 71400 37316 40.110577 27219.0 11941.699014 3841.0 0.905483 0.473235 57.323643 12.970641 24.381988 25.413922 2634.150462 27.770888 40.471195 58.424627
2 6 37770 84150 40336 41.627736 34332.0 12231.912126 4410.0 0.936384 0.448841 60.942596 14.037225 25.143685 24.855361 2812.426772 30.788439 40.258475 59.120315
3 10 62690 138355 70018 49.287094 46093.0 13604.486840 3177.0 0.895341 0.453110 69.555733 17.141298 29.485404 30.823369 4320.199048 33.433710 53.831092 67.988548
4 12 35227 67840 37057 40.671702 34617.0 12520.697703 5216.0 0.950617 0.519266 56.621551 14.429500 18.455418 25.085531 2672.433396 31.836384 37.536132 57.477872
5 13 50281 96720 53668 45.793281 32910.0 13568.257433 2845.0 0.936890 0.519861 63.039670 14.202084 26.887970 29.218631 3758.117584 30.653051 50.748681 62.747225
6 14 47652 91035 49683 44.980834 47610.0 15270.557668 3367.0 0.959121 0.523447 55.263008 16.303828 24.445417 24.678712 5085.798832 33.553811 50.917972 53.555392
7 15 39960 74307 42190 42.417228 42394.0 12881.410035 3746.0 0.947144 0.537769 53.600373 14.970821 25.792593 23.624575 3322.773305 31.962681 45.374937 53.145880
8 18 41456 78336 43518 42.940087 39406.0 13613.137712 3746.0 0.952617 0.529208 50.813384 15.346850 23.811318 23.456532 3504.742536 33.757661 47.638142 49.489597
9 20 37480 77175 39760 41.520922 36134.0 13623.915715 2656.0 0.942656 0.485649 52.411831 17.442716 22.771798 24.673986 3463.962853 31.691874 45.865526 49.960174
10 21 53894 119662 61516 46.864854 41113.0 14404.345734 3462.0 0.876097 0.450385 68.658576 18.467566 18.107377 32.375292 4509.947285 33.761613 44.762926 71.035177

Plot data#

Pandas has some built-in plotting capabilities, check more options here.

For a quick demonstration, here we show how to display a scatter plot of two table columns. More customized and stylish plots can be better achieved with dedicated plotting libraries like matplotlib, seaborn, among others.

df.plot.scatter('area', 'mean_intensity')
<AxesSubplot:xlabel='area', ylabel='mean_intensity'>

Save table to disk#

Pandas has easy functions to save table to disk. Below, we show how to save a table as a csv file.



Now that you have a complete working workflow, put it inside a function.

Below you find an empty function that should receive an image and return a labeled image. Fill it with the commands used above to have the same output.

def my_segmentation(image):
    """Apply custom 3D nuclei segmentation and return labeled image"""
    return label_image

Then, run your new function as shown below, passing the input image as argument and adding the output labeled image to napari to check if the result is the same.

image2_R = my_segmentation(image0_n)

Finally save the labeled image to disk with the name ‘nuclei_labels’. Check the function below to find out how to do it.

from import imsave

Signature: imsave(fname, arr, plugin=None, check_contrast=True, **plugin_args)
Save an image to file.

fname : str or pathlib.Path
    Target filename.
arr : ndarray of shape (M,N) or (M,N,3) or (M,N,4)
    Image data.
plugin : str, optional
    Name of plugin to use.  By default, the different plugins are
    tried (starting with imageio) until a suitable
    candidate is found.  If not given and fname is a tiff file, the
    tifffile plugin will be used.
check_contrast : bool, optional
    Check for low contrast and print warning (default: True).

Other Parameters
plugin_args : keywords
    Passed to the given plugin.

When saving a JPEG, the compression ratio may be controlled using the
``quality`` keyword argument which is an integer with values in [1, 100]
where 1 is worst quality and smallest file size, and 100 is best quality
and largest file size (default 75).  This is only available when using
the PIL and imageio plugins.
File:      c:\miniconda\envs\devbio-napari-env\lib\site-packages\skimage\io\
Type:      function