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Blog Posts
Using StarDist in napari with GPU-support in Windows (2025)
Training a (YOLO) object detector using data from OMERO
Getting started with Miniforge and Python
Installation of Elephant Server on Windows
Running bio image analysis workflows on your machine
Best of both worlds: Combining Qt Designer and magicgui
Getting started with Miniforge* and Python
Using GPU-accelerated image processing on the TUD HPC cluster
Setting up GPU-accelerated image processing on the TUD HPC cluster
Running Deep-Learning Scripts in the BiA-PoL Omero Server
Mini-Sabbatical Experience at Bia-PoL
Getting started with Anaconda and Python
Automated package documentation with Sphinx
Custom user interfaces for Python (Part 1)
Custom user interfaces for Python (Part 2)
Custom user interfaces for Python (Part 3)
Custom user interfaces for Python (Part 4)
Jamovi: statistical analysis made visual and easy (powered with R)
Installing Microsoft buildtools on Windows
Principal Feature Analysis
Background Subtraction
Introduction to Image Analysis Basics in Python with Scikit Image
Using StarDist in napari with GPU-support in Windows
Introduction to Using Python for Image Analysis
GPU-accelerated image processing using cupy and cucim
Browsing the Open Microscopy Image Data Resource with Python
GPU-accelerated image processing in the cloud using Google Colab and clEsperanto
About the Blog
Why we blog
BiA-PoL blog authors
Mara Lampert
Stefan Hahmann
Johannes Soltwedel
Marcelo Zoccoler
Ryan Savill
Robert Haase
Open issue