- class biaplotter.plotter.CanvasWidget(napari_viewer: napari.viewer.Viewer, parent: QWidget | None = None, label_text: str = 'Class:')#
A widget that contains a canvas with matplotlib axes and a selection toolbar.
The widget includes a selection toolbar with buttons to enable/disable selection tools. The selection toolbar includes a color class spinbox to select the class to assign to selections. The widget includes artists and selectors to plot data and select points.
- Parameters:
napari_viewer (napari.viewer.Viewer) – The napari viewer.
parent (QWidget, optional) – The parent widget, by default None.
label_text (str, optional) – The text to display next to the class spinbox, by default “Class:”.
artist_changed_signal emitted when the current artist changes.
Signals and Slots:
This class automatically connects the following signals to slots:
data_changed_signal from each artist to the update_data slot in each selector. This allows artists to notify selectors when the data changes. Selectors can then synchronize their data with the artist’s data.
Properties Summary
Sets or returns the active artist.
Attributes Summary
The selection tools layout.
The selection toolbar.
The color class spinbox.
Dictionary of artists.
Dictionary of selectors.
Methods Summary
(artist_type, artist_instance[, ...])Adds a new artist instance to the artists dictionary.
(selector_type, selector_instance)Adds a new selector instance to the selectors dictionary.
(checked)Enables or disables the selected selector.
Signals Summary
Signal emitted when the current active_artist changes
Properties Documentation
- active_artist#
Sets or returns the active artist.
If set, makes the selected artist visible and all other artists invisible.
- Returns:
The active artist.
- Return type:
- artist_changed_signalSignal
Signal emitted when the current artist changes.
Attributes Documentation
- selection_tools_layout: QHBoxLayout#
The selection tools layout.
- selection_toolbar: CustomToolbarWidget#
The selection toolbar.
- class_spinbox: QtColorSpinBox#
The color class spinbox.
- artists: dict#
Dictionary of artists.
- selectors: dict#
Dictionary of selectors.
Methods Documentation
- add_artist(artist_type: ArtistType, artist_instance: Scatter | Histogram2D, visible: bool = False)#
Adds a new artist instance to the artists dictionary.
- Parameters:
artist_type (ArtistType) – The type of the artist, defined by the ArtistType enum.
artist_instance (Scatter or Histogram2D) – An instance of the artist class.
- add_selector(selector_type: SelectorType, selector_instance: InteractiveRectangleSelector | InteractiveEllipseSelector | InteractiveLassoSelector)#
Adds a new selector instance to the selectors dictionary.
- Parameters:
selector_type (SelectorType) – The type of the selector, defined by the SelectorType enum.
selector_instance (InteractiveRectangleSelector or InteractiveEllipseSelector or InteractiveLassoSelector) – An instance of the selector class.
- on_enable_selector(checked: bool)#
Enables or disables the selected selector.
Enabling a selector disables all other selectors.
- Parameters:
checked (bool) – Whether the button is checked or not.
Signals Documentation
- artist_changed_signal: Signal#
Signal emitted when the current active_artist changes