

Here you find documentation for the BiaPlotter, an interactive plotting canvas for selecting data from 2D plots integrated to napari. This package is not intended to be a napari plugin by itself, but it is intended to be derived by other napari plugins that need to select data from 2D plots.


  • Make sure you have Python in your computer, e.g. download miniforge.

  • Create a new environment, for example, like this:

mamba create --name biaplotter-env python=3.9

If you never used mamba/conda environments before, take a look at this blog post.

  • Activate the new environment with mamba:

mamba activate biaplotter-env
  • Install napari, e.g. via mamba:

mamba install -c conda-forge napari pyqt

Afterwards, install biaplotter via pip:

pip install biaplotter

To install latest development version :

pip install git+

Table of Contents#

Here is an automatically generated Table of Contents:

API Reference