How to transfer a dataset between two omero instances#
It is a common task to transfer a dataset between two omero instances. This can be done using the OMERO API from the command line. The following steps will guide you through the process. Consider the following example: The dataset with id dataset_id
is to be transferred from the source omero instance to the target omero instance.
Source omero instance: source_hostname
(our test instance)
Target omero instance:
Install the necessary packages - e.g., omero-cli-transfer - on your local machine.
pip install omero-cli-transfer
… that’s it! Now you can start the transfer process.
Transfer the data#
To transfer the data, first log onto the source omero instance. This prompts you to enter your username and password. Of course, replace the host_name
with the host name of your omero server.
omero login host_adress --group <group_name>
Next, create a local copy of the specified dataset at a specified destination. The dataset will be named according to the path you provide.
omero transfer pack Dataset:<dataset_id> path/to/a/destination.tar
Conversely, if you want to transfer not only a single dataset but, say, an entire project, the syntax would be similar. For more in-depth documentation, please see the omero-cli-transfer docs.
omero transfer pack Project:<project_id> path/to/a/destination.tar
Now, log onto the target omero instance - in this case, this is
. Again, replace the group_name
with the name of the group you want to upload the dataset to.
omero login --group <group_name>
Finally, upload the dataset to the target omero instance.
omero transfer unpack path/to/a/destination.tar
And that’s it.
All of these steps can take some time, depending on the size of the dataset. Make sure to do this on a machine that has access to a high-speed internet connection.
During the upload, you will see the images being uploaded under arbitrary names. The correct names, annotations, etc. will be restored once the upload is complete.