Bio-Image analysis with Python and Napari - DIGS-BB Light Microscopy Course 2022#


In this Jupyter book we will introduce you to the basics of image processing Python and Napari by means of Jupyter Notebooks. The one-day course is focused on processing microscopy images showing cells and nuclei. We will dive through visualizing and filtering images, segmenting objects and measuring their properties in tables.

See also

Feedback & questions#

In case you have any questions about the materials, please open a thread on


We would like to acknowledge all contributors who spend time in the past years to make slides and notebooks we are reusing there, in particular Robert Haase (PoL, TU Dresden) and Benoit Lombardot (MPI-CBG Dresden). This project was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC2068 - Cluster of Excellence “Physics of Life” of TU Dresden. We also acknowledge Biopolis Dresden Imaging Platform - BioDIP for organizing this course.